Martyrologium (anticip.)
Idibus Octóbris Luna vicesima quarta Anno 2017 Domini
Albæ, in Hispánia, sanctæ Terésiæ Vírginis, quæ Fratrum ac Sorórum Ordinis Carmelitárum arctióris observántiæ mater éxstitit et magístra.
Cracóviæ, in Polónia, natális sanctæ Hedwígis Víduæ, Polonórum Ducíssæ, quæ, páuperum obséquio dédita, étiam miráculis cláruit; et a Cleménte Quarto, Pontífice Máximo, Sanctórum número adscrípta est. Ipsíus autem festívitas sequénti die celebrátur.
Romæ, via Aurélia, sancti Fortunáti Mártyris.
In Borússia sancti Brunónis, Epíscopi Ruthenórum et Mártyris; qui, Evangélium in ea regióne prǽdicans, ab ímpiis tentus est, ac, mánibus pedibúsque præcísis, cápite truncátus.
Apud Colóniam Agrippínam natális sanctórum trecentórum Mártyrum, qui, in Maximiáni persecutióne, cursum sui agónis complevérunt.
Carthágine sancti Agiléi Mártyris, in cujus die natáli sanctus Augustínus tractátum de ipso ad pópulum hábuit.
Lugdúni, in Gállia, sancti Antíochi Epíscopi, qui, strénue administráto Pontificii cúlmine ad quod assúmptus fúerat, regnum cæléste adéptus est.
Tréviris sancti Sevéri, Epíscopi et Confessóris.
Argentoráti sanctæ Auréliæ Vírginis.
In Germánia sanctæ Theclæ, Abbatíssæ et Vírginis, quæ, monastériis Kitzíngæ et Ochsenfúrti præpósita, multis cumuláta méritis in cælum migrávit.
V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R. Deo grátias.
Martyrologium (anticip.) October 15th anno Domini 2017 The 24th Day of Moon were born into the better life: At Avila, in Spain, the holy Virgin Theresa, the mother and mistress of the brethren and sisters of the Order of Carmelites of the Stricter Observance. At Rome, upon the Aurelian Way, the holy martyr Fortunatus. At Cologne, three hundred holy martyrs, who finished the course of their contending in the persecution under Maximian. At Carthage, the holy martyr Agileus, on whose feast - day holy Augustine preached to the people a discourse concerning him. In Prussia, (at the beginning of the eleventh century,) the holy martyr Bruno, Bishop of the Ruthenians, who was preaching the gospel in those parts when he was taken by wicked men, who cut off, first his hands and feet, and then his head. At Lyon, (in the fourth century,) holy Antiochus, Bishop (of that see,) who vigorously administered the office of the bishopric to which he had been called, and inherited a kingdom in heaven. At Trier, (in the fifth century,) the holy Confessor Severus, Bishop (of that see.) At Strasbourg, (in the year 1027,) the holy Virgin Aurelia. At Cracow, holy Iadwiga, Grand Princess of Poland, who gave herself up to the serving of the poor, and was famous ever for miracles. Pope Clement IV. enrolled her name among those of the Saints, and Innocent XI. sanctioned her festival for the 17th day of this present month of October. In Germany, (in the eighth century,) holy Thecla, Abbess (of Kitzingen.) V. And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Thanks be to God. |